I was oot and aboot one afternoon last week and came across a very dedicated skateboarder (Javier) and his cheering section (Meagan). They patiently let me take some photos of them. I also handed my camera over to them and requested they make some photos of each other, they both obliged. Here are a few of the results.

Meagan is the one on the left! 🙂

Javier shot this one of Meagan and I.

Javier and his cheering section Meagan.
They also thoughtfully answered several questions I asked them. I found them to both be very interesting and insightful. I asked them about their dreams. At first they both answered the kind of answer that a ‘normal’ person might be looking for. What work or job they might like to do. But I don’t really ask ‘normal’ people kinds of questions! I wanted to know about their DREAMS! What makes them feel excited?! What lights their hearts up and shines through their eyes!?
With a bit more encouragement they both allowed me to take a peek into what makes their eyes shine. It is late. I want more time to give my write-up about my interaction with Javier and Meagan the attention it deserves. My goal is to have the proper article published by Sunday 4 March 2012.
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