If you are new here you can have a look at The List from last week or the previous two years worth of Flickr Appreciation Lists.
This is a very condensed version of my thankful lists from 2 – 8 August 2012.
- I am thankful to have Michael take me for a sail with the Sip and Puff equipment in the Martin16. Good thing I wasn’t wearing socks because his tacking would have knocked my socks off! What a fun sail, thanks Michael! 🙂
- I am thankful that I let Hot Wheelz take me for a sail! So. Much. Fun!! 🙂 We always have fun! 🙂 I really enjoy that time in friendships where you relax more around each other and find that you are both really goofy and fun with similar senses of humour! 🙂 What a fun day! Thanks Hot Wheelz, I look forward to new adventures with you! 🙂
- I am thankful that I chose to send my XTi camera to Ireland with Irish on his vacation. I can hardly wait to see the photos he brings back from his trip! 🙂
- I am thankful that I read a lot and utilize the Regina Public Library because I entered and won a contest for a gift certificate again this year! 🙂 I heart winning, it is much fun! Thanks RPL, I look forward to many future prizes! 🙂
- I am thankful for real vanilla because it is so fragrant and I really enjoy how the real thing fully engages my senses.
- I am thankful to know .. stuff.
- I am thankful for choosing to turn off my computer the one night and walk away. Giving myself a Time Out was a very good thing. It gave me space to find the usefulness in the things/people that I was frustrated with. This was exciting to me because I stopped feeling frustrated and I was even able to find some amusement in the newly discovered useful situation.
- I am thankful for the Appreciation Game. The Appreciation Game consists of looking around you and thinking/talking about what you appreciate and why. It feels really good to play! 🙂
- I am thankful for toothbrushes and clean light switches! 🙂
- I am thankful for my profusely flowering and fruiting tomato plants! 🙂
- I am thankful for the playful way things often work out for me. 🙂
- I am thankful for privacy!
- I am thankful for taking a few moments to watch crows. I learned that they are ingenious at using what is around for a tool. The one used a chain holding a shade up to break up and share food. I also noticed that they seem quite affectionate toward each other. They have a softer sound when they are sharing and being affectionate. Interesting! 🙂
- I am thankful for the softness of Cottonelle toilet paper! Yes!
- I am thankful for the new way I have been making my To Do List for myself. They are working as if by magic and are a lot more pleasant to tend to! 🙂
- I am thankful for how Shiva Nata feels good throughout my body and that it gets things out of me more coherently.
- I am thankful for the zillion ways (approximately) that I consciously choose freedom! 🙂
Thank you for you.
Thank you for you and all that you already are. I am enjoying catching glimpses of you as you come more into who you really are. It truly is beautiful to behold. Have a peek sometime, I think you may be surprised in a very good way. I appreciate all of you. All you have lived has brought you to this place. All of it is useful, remember that as you go forward.
By the way, have I mentioned just how much I enjoy your laugh? I love the way you throw your head back and laugh all the way from your toes! I hope you have a great week filled with slightly more humour and laughter than you can handle! 🙂
Take care of you and love your loving ones with plenty of humour too! 🙂